Pakistani forces kill 40 militants

Pakistani forces kill 40 militants
Pakistani fighter jets on Thursday killed 43 militants in North Waziristan tribal region where the security forces are battling the militants in rugged mountains, the army said.
Aerial bombing has been increased in recent days and death toll of the militants has reached nearly 200 this week.
“Twenty eight terrorists were killed in Gharlamai and 15 terrorists were killed in Shawal area in North Waziristan in precise aerial strikes,” the military said in a statement.
The security forces have increased bombing of the militants’ positions following a suicide attack that killed Punjab Home Minister and 18 other people on Sunday.

The military launched the long-anticipated major offensive in North Waziristan in June 2014 against the Pakistani Taliban, who are blamed for most of the attacks in Pakistan.
Security officials say that nearly 2,900 militants have so far been killed and over 90 per cent areas cleared of the militants.
The army chief, Gen. Raheel Sharif, who visited the region in July, said the operation code-named `Zarb-e-Abab’ is almost in its final stage.
Security officials say that the fleeing militants are now hiding in the rugged mountains to avoid airstrikes.
They say fighter jets are hitting the militants in hideouts to clear the remaining few areas, officials say.
The military spokesman, Asim Bajwa, said in July that the forces have completed the first phase of the ground offensive in Shawal area.
He said the second phase was being planned to take control of the remaining pockets of militants
